Mardome Reflex - Dome only, 900mm x 900mm
Mardome Reflex - Dome only, 900mm x 900mm from Omega BuildProduct details:Mardome Reflex is a ‘dome only’ option. The 75mm wide flanged polycarbonate dome is designed for refurbishment projects where the dome roof-light is being replaced. The wide flange on Mardome Reflex means that the dome can be mechanically fixed to existing kerbs of varying dimensions; eliminating the need for kerb adaptors . Mardome Reflex’s glazing is up to 200 times stronger than glass. The high impact resistance from adverse weather conditions and breakage means Mardome Reflex is a very safe and reliable roof-light option. Mardome reflex is available in a curved profile. Single, double and triple skin domes are available. The single skin is only available in Clear. The double and triple skins are available in clear, bronze, opal and textured outer skins. The maximum external kerb size is how the size of the Mardome reflex is specified. The visible daylight is 150mm less than the dome size. U Values • Single skin:5.7 W/sq.m.K. • Double skin:3.0 W/sq.m.K. • Triple skin:2.0 W/sq.m.K (centre pane 1.8 W/Sq.m.K). |